8. January 2021


We upgrade, hold on and prepare for a bigger world

Sometimes it’s will that run the work. Here at the last moment, Wila look back with pride on a year that has been managed with steadiness, inventiveness and dedicated employees

A single year can feel like several years. We have the guts to write that we think time has passed differently in 2020 for almost everybody. Perhaps slow and draining – or unbelievably fast. One thing is certain, 2020 has turned things upside down. The world has been reorganized and changes. 

Now, with more or less full Christmas celebrations, Wila look back at a busy and educational year. 

– Despite disturbance and insecurity on the market, we have among other things spent 2020 to focus on our core competences and to maintain our high ability to supply. In addition, we have upgraded to an upcoming expanded journey where we increase our activities in Europe and aim for the remote market, explains CCO Steen Nordmark. 

Despite restrictions and a wavy market, Wila have aimed at sticking to their original visions

– When the COVID-19 turned in, we decided to stick to the vision. In the bigger perspective, we continued our market research and geared the production i.a. by implementing LEAN efficiency which in the long term will result in an increased production efficiency. With the cautiousness that influenced our market during COVID-19, it was surprising to us that over the summer, things really gathered speed. This proved that all of our initiatives were a really good investment. We still work harder today, says Steen Nordmark. 

Do you want to join Wila’s next journey?

Speed and expansion are some of the things that Wila are prepared for in the coming year. 

– Even though it has been a turbulent 2020, we believe that there are plenty of things to look forward to in 2021. We want to continue our LEAN efficiency and scale up and implement our go-to-market strategy. It is with humbleness and gratitude when we look back on 2020. We would never have reached this point without strong partnerships and a hard-working team. In 2020 we have learned that the courage and will sometimes run the work. That the bigger perspective wins at last.   

“At Wila A/S, we have a dedicated and skilled staff who perform all tasks with common sense, great professionalism, pride and expertise.”